Tip of the Tongue
Tip of the Tongue
Dinner with the President

Dinner with the President

For thousands of years rulers have eaten to represent their power and their culture. Menus listing the foods eaten have been memorialized on stone placards and papyrus. The importance of eating as a persuasive tool, as a representation of the wealth and attitudes of the leader and the people has a long history. We talk about Dinner with the President: Food, Politics, and a History of Breaking Bread at the White House with the author, Alex Prud’homme.

Alex Prud’homme has written with Julia Child, her memoir, My Life in France. He has written for many publications and books about numerous subjects, many having to do with food.

Tip of the Tongue
Tip of the Tongue
Liz's explorations into food and drink and culture, who she is talking to, what she is cooking and eating, recipes, and her podcast guests.